Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer is a research associate in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Bauhaus University. He holds a PhD from Strathclyde University, Glasgow. His research is positioned in the crossfire of art, technology and urban life and was sparked in 2006 while he studied at University of Technology, Sydney at Ernest Edmond`s Creativity and Cognitions Studio. Since then Fischer`s passion for novel computer interfaces that reach beyond desktop guided him to research institutes like Fraunhofer, Berlin and Microsoft Research in Cambridge. He is a humanist who believes that developments of future computer systems have to put the people even more at the center. Especially when technology will recede more and more into the background of our lives by becoming deeply embedded in the physical world. He sees the responsibility of research in conceiving and exploring alternative futures. We can find opportunities to intervene, sometimes to resist, to organize, to legislate, to plan, and to design. Even so there are a countless number of systems that restrict, limit and control, he believes that there might be such a thing like a liberating mechanism of action (Wirkweise) of technology, which he exemplified in his work with VR/Urban and SMSlingshot.
Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer
Bauhausstrasse 11
99423 Weimar
phone: 0049 364 358 388 6
mail: mail@fischerkinder.de